
Citizenship : Gaul

French name : Barométrix
German name : Praktifix
Dutch name : Aerobix

Spanish name : Barometrix
Italian name : Barometrix
Portugese name : Barómetrix

Druid whose inventions spread like powder in the wind

When the Druids, paragons of Gaulish wisdom, head to the Forest of the Carnutes for their big annual conference, they indulge in games and puns, relishing these days of recreation, far from their respective villages where they have to be on their best behaviour and maintain their irreproachable stature.


Above all, they fight to compete in the Druid of the Year contest where they each present their magic potions. The winner is rewarded the coveted Golden Menhir, a trophy that incites much more interest than the modern day Oscar’ or even the Cesar!


As a result, the Druids vie to outdo one another with the best invention: we even were treated to a surprising Gaulish inventors’ contest in the album, Asterix and the Goths. That’s how we discovered the powder invented by the Druid Prefix that makes it rain (giving the Druid referee a cold) as well as the potion, signed by the ingenious Botanix, that makes beautiful flowers grow in the blink of an eye, no matter what the season. Even more impressive, Suffix reduces soups and pots into powders so they can be transported more easily!


But when Getafix shows that one gulp of his magic potion can make even a «feeble Druid» strong enough to uproot a tree effortlessly, the assembly of wise men is unanimous: Getafix walks away with the title of Druid of the Year!

In which book ?