French name : Bonus Promoplus |
Spanish name : Bonus Promoplús |
As Julius Caesar’s adviser and publisher, Libellus Blockbustus advises his master to omit from his memoirs the (many!) setbacks he has experienced at the hands of the Indomitable Gauls! But one of the Numidian scribes (what we could call a ghost writer today) working on the Commentaries on the War with the Gauls, anxious to maintain historic accuracy, makes off with the papyrus of the missing chapter and hands it to Confoundtheirpolitix, the Roman correspondent of the Lutetian Daily Press.
Thus begins a mad chase full of twists and turns, leading Caesar’s evil adviser (loosely based on contemporary figures from French political life, from Jacques Séguéla and Patrick Buisson to others such as Bernard Henri-Lévy) all the way to the Village of the Indomitable Gauls. Faced with Asterix and his friends, Libellus Blockbustus will soon run out of options…