Throughout the Known World, Asterix fans vie to outdo one another with boasting, each one claiming to be the best expert on the Asterix albums. And yet, it is no simple thing to become expert ès Asterix; everyone is not cut out to be a druid, by Toutatis!

So then, how does one recognize an authentic Gaulish champion? Well… it was Asterix himself who gave us an idea about organizing a major championship: the GGQ, otherwise known as the Grand Gaulish Quiz!

There is a simple principle : all you have to do is answer 20 randomly chosen questions. Good luck to all and may Toutatis be with you!

1 - Which one of these three gods is regularly invoked by Asterix?

2 - In Asterix and the Normans, what is the name of the Norman warrior chief?

3 - What misfortune befalls the bard Cacofonix in Asterix and the Magic Carpet?

4 - In Asterix the Gladiator, what is the name of the lanista (gladiator trainer)?

5 - What does the date 52 B.C. correspond to?

6 - Which of these three characters is not a bard?

7 - In Asterix and the Great Divide, the Roman legionaries mount a demonstration to press for a surprising demand. What do they seek?

8 - In Asterix and Obelix All at Sea, what is the name of the Atlantis high priest?

9 - In which year were Asterix and Obelix born?

10 - The great Julius Caesar makes a memorable appearance in Asterix and the Magic Carpet. However, something is bothering him and makes him look less imperial than usual. What has happened to him?