Asterix and the Normans

Asterix and the Normans


Written by: Goscinny

Drawings by: Uderzo
Original title: Astérix et les Normands

Published by: Hachette Livre
First published by: Pilote no. 340 (28/04/1966)
First album edition: 1966

A Norman invasion of the Gaulish village! But only trendy teenager Justforkix, visiting from Lutetia, fears them, for the Gauls have their magic potion. But the Normans themselves want to learn the meaning of fear: can Asterix and his friends teach them?


Another secret weapon is brought into play … at at long last the bard Cacofinix wins the appreciation due to him.

What the druids have to say about the album

The main idea behind the album is the fear that the Normans from the north have come to learn from the Gauls. The key to the adventure is that Cacofonix’s hip music is only enjoyed by Justforkix. This was highly appreciated by pop music fans in the sixties.


This album marks the beginning of a great career for Justforkix, who then went on to play the lead role in a series of gamebooks called Alea Jacta Est, and which are collector’s items today.


Note that for once the Romans are not the villains. Rather, they make a pitiful sight being torn between the Gauls and the Normans. The adventure differs from others on several accounts, including the fact that Cacofonix the bard is given permission to attend the final banquet.

Various versions of the album

Astérix et les Normands

Français – Éditions Hachette

Astérix et les Normands

Français – Éditions Hachette – La Grande Collection

Asterix und die Normannen

Allemand – Egmont Comic Collection

Asterix und die Normannen

Allemand – Egmont Comic Collection – Die Utimative Édition

Asterix y los normandos

Espagnol – Salvat

Asterix y los normandos

Espagnol – Salvat La Gran Colección

Asterix y los normandos

Espagnol – Salvat La colección

Astèrix i els Normands

Catalan – Salvat

Astérix e os Normandos

Portugais – ASA

Astérix e os Normandos

Portugais – A colecção – Salvat

Asterix and the Normans

Anglais – Orion

Asterix en de Noormannen

Néerlandais – Éditions Hachette

Asterix ja normannien maihinnousu

Finnois – Egmont Kustannus OY AB

Asterix e i normanni

Italien – Panini Comics

Asterix et Normanni

Latin – Egmont Ehapa Verlag Berlin

아스테릭스, 바이킹을물리치다 – Asteriks, baiking-ûl mullichida

Coréen – Moonji

Asterix og vikingerne

Danois – Egmont A/S

Asterix och vikingarna

Suédois – Egmont AB

Asteriks ve Normanlar

Turc – Remzi Kitabevi

Asterix e os Normandos

Brésilien (Portugais) – Record

Asteriks i Normanowie

Polonais – Egmont Sp

Asterix un de Wikingers

Mundart 10 – Plattdeutsch II

The bookseller’s corner

Classic paperback collection

N° ISBN : 978-0-75286-623-9
Format : 287 x 216 mm
Pages : 48

Hardback edition

N° ISBN : 978-0-75286-622-2
Format : 287 x 216 mm
Pages : 48