Asterix in Switzerland

Asterix in Switzerland


Written by: Goscinny

Drawings by: Uderzo
Original title: Astérix chez les Helvètes

Published by: Hachette Livre
First published by: Pilote no. 557 (09/07/1970)
First album edition: 1970

Quaestor Vexatius Sinusitus, who is about to expose the Roman governor’s creative accountancy, has been poisoned. Can Getafix brew an antidote?


Only is Asterix and Obelix find a certain flower for the druid’s potion in Helvetia. What with bank safes, cuckoo hourglasses, yodeling and holes in the cheese, they’re soon on a real Helvetian roll.

What the druids have to say about the album

Following a suggestion by Georges Pompidou, who was then Prime Minister of France, Asterix goes off in this album to explore Switzerland. In the meantime, the man who had suggested the destination to René had become President. Once the authors had become institutions, they did not, however, lose their talent.


In the English translation, the French Antar man (Antar being a garage company) in the ancient petrol station on page 20 is replaced by the Michelin man. Petrol or tyres, it’s all a choice of trademarks.

Various versions of the album

Astérix chez les Helvètes

Français – Éditions Hachette

Astérix chez les Helvètes

Français – Éditions Hachette – La Grande Collection

Asterix bei den Schweizern

Allemand – Egmont Comic Collection

Asterix bei den Schweizern

Allemand – Egmont Comic Collection – Die Utimative Édition

Asterix en Helvecia

Espagnol – Salvat

Asterix en Helvecia

Espagnol – Salvat La colección

Asterix en Helvecia

Espagnol – Salvat La Gran Colección

Astèrix al pais dels Helvecis

Catalan – Salvat

Astérix entre os Helvécios

Portugais – ASA

Astérix entre os Helvécios

Portugais – A colecção – Salvat

Asterix in Switzerland

Anglais – Orion

Asterix en de.. Helvetiers

Néerlandais – Éditions Hachette

Asterix ja Alppikukka

Asterix ja Alppikukka – Finnois – Egmont Kustannus OY AB

Asterix e gli elvezi

Italien – Panini Comics

Asterix i Alperne!

Danois – Egmont A/S

Asterix i Alperna

Suédois – Egmont AB

Asterix entre os Helvéticos

Brésilien (Portugais) – Record

Asteriks U Helwetów

Polonais – Egmont Sp

Asteriks Isviçre’de

Turc – Remzi Kitabevi

The bookseller’s corner

Classic paperback collection

N° ISBN : 978-0-75286-635-2
Format : 287 x 216 mm
Pages : 48

Hardback edition

N° ISBN : 978-0-75286-634-5
Format : 287 x 216 mm
Pages : 48