Asterix and the Picts

Asterix and the Picts


Written by: Jean-Yves Ferri

Drawings by: Didier Conrad
Original titleAstérix chez les Pictes

Published by: Les Éditions Albert René
First album edition: octobre 24th, 2013

When Asterix and Obelix rescue a mysterious Pict named MacAroon, they must journey to Caledonia, now Scotland, to return him to his lady love, Camomilla, the adopted daughter of the old king. However, the treacherous chieftain, MacCabeus, plans to marry her and claim the throne – with the help of the Romans! What with caber-tossing, bagpipes, malted water and an enormous otter in the loch, can the Gauls reunite MacAroon and Camomilla and enjoy some Roman-bashing along the way?

What the druids have to say about the album

The first frames from Asterix and the Picts !


The first frames from Asterix and the Picts

The first frames from Asterix and the Picts

Les premières vignettes - Astérix chez les Pictes

The first frames from Asterix and the Picts

The first frames from Asterix and the Picts

Various versions of the album

Astérix chez les Pictes

Français – Éditions Albert René

Asterix bei den Pikten

Allemand – Egmont Comic Collection

Asterix bij de Picten

Néerlandais – Éditions Albert René

Astérix y los Pictos

Espagnol – Salvat

Asterix and the Picts

Anglais – Orion

Astérix entre os Pictos

Portugais – ASA

Astérix e i Pitti

Italien – Panini Comics

Ο Αστεριχ στους Πικτους
O Asterix stous Pictous

Grec – Mamouth

dr Schtotterschotte

Mundart 70 – Schwäbisch 6

Asteriks ve Piktler

Turc – Remzi Kitabevi

The bookseller’s corner

Classic paperback collection

N° ISBN : 978-1444011692
Format : 287 x 216 mm
Pages : 48

Hardback edition

N° ISBN : 978-1444011678
Format : 295 x 224 mm
Pages : 48