Asterix in Italien

Asterix in Italien


Text : Jean-Yves Ferri

Zeichnungen : Didier Conrad

Verlag (franz. Ausgabe) : Les Editions Albert René
Erstauflage als Einzelalbum : 19. Oktober 2017

The characters created by the two comic book geniuses Albert Uderzo and René Goscinny are back!


Famous for their extensive travels around the Known World, this time Asterix and Obelix are going to meet the people of the Italian peninsula: the Italics!


To Obelix’s delight, the inhabitants of Ancient Italy are not all Romans! Far from it! The Italics want to keep their independence and take a dim view of Julius Caesar and his Legions’ plans for total domination.


In Asterix and the Chariot Race, Asterix and Obelix embark upon a great adventure in the extraordinary world of Ancient Italy!


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What the druids have to say about the album

Die fremdsprachigen Ausgaben des Albums

Astérix et la Transitalique – Édition de Luxe

Français – Éditions Albert René

Asterix in Italien – Luxusausgabe

Allemand – Egmont Comic Collection

Asterix en de race door de Laars (Luxe editie)

Néerlandais – Éditions Albert René

Asterix e la corsa d’Italia – Edizione Deluxe

Italien – Panini Comics

Die Bücherecke

Asterix Hardcover-Reihe

N° ISBN : 978-3770440375
Format : 224 x 295
Seitenzahl : 48