Asterix and the Chieftain’s daughter

Asterix and the Chieftain’s daughter


Written byJean-Yves Ferri

Drawings byDidier Conrad
Original title
La fille de Vercingétorix

Published byLes Éditions Albert René
First album edition:
October 24th, 2019

Upheavals and pandemonium are definitely on the horizon! The daughter of the famous Gaulish chieftain Vercingetorix is being hunted down by the Romans. She secretly finds refuge in the village of our indomitable Gauls – the only place in Roman-occupied Gaul that can guarantee her protection. And let’s just say that having this very special teenager around will cause a fair few intergenerational ruction

What the druids have to say about the album

Various versions of the album

La Fille de Vercingétorix

Français – Éditions Albert René

Die Tochter des Vercingetorix

Allemand – Egmont Ehapa Verlag Berlin

Asterix and the Chieftain’s daughter

Anglais – Orion

La Hija de Vercingétorix

Castillan – Salvat

De dochter van de veldheer

Néerlandais – Éditions Albert René

A Filha de Vercingétorix

Portugais – ASA

La fía de Vercinxetórix

Bable – Salvat

Vertzingetorixen alaba

Basque – Salvat

La Filla de Vercingetòrix

Catalan – Salvat

Vercingetorixin tytär

Finnois – Egmont Kustannus OY AB

A Filla de Vercingetórix

Galicien – Salvat

Asterix e la Figlia di Vercingetorige

Italien – Panini Comics

La Filha de Bercingetorix

Mirandais – ASA

Gallerhøvdingens datter

Norvegien – Egmont Serieforlaget AS

Córka Wercyngetoryksa

Polonais – Egmont

Vercingetorix dotter

Suédois – Egmont AB